Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kick It Up!

So I have been on vacation for the past week. It was sad to say goodbye to some friends that went back to California this weekend but it was nice spending some time in Seoul with one of them. Eating western food was never more enjoyable. I got some CPK and a Long Island, so life was pretty good. In truth, my Long Island's are better, but you have to take what you can get.

In the midst of all of my happiness, there are a few dark spots that bother me about Korea. Although my recruiter was not completely truthful with me in regards to my contracts and obligations I cannot hold it again him or cannot get myself to waste the energy to. I know that people are upset with me because my school schedule does not sync up with the vacations they originally planned but that is truly out of my hands. I do not control the school boards and cannot make them give me time off. I technically should be at school with the other teachers during some of this break time but they wave that. My vacation was too sporadic for me to travel anywhere during winter and it sucks but I am over it. I just hope that during summer vacation I can travel and see the countries around Korea. Right now it is nice that I am able to explore Korea though. I am learning that truth hiding/evading/neglecting is part of the culture in Korea and it is not worth getting agitated over.

I have to say that Korea has some awesome fashion. It is all of the stuff that I wish I had at home. Zippers that are not symmetrically placed on the jacket, high collared jackets, connected hoodie scarves, hoodies with bold prints and masks sewn into them and everything you could ever imagine. I need to lose weight to fit into some of these things, but on a brighter note, I have lost 14-15 pounds since coming to Korea! I just need to lose another 40 pounds or just slim down and build up some muscle.

I called my mom today to see how she was doing. She is not in any pain but the medication that she is on makes her dizzy and sick most of the time. She is going in for an x-ray tomorrow to see if everything is ok. The conversation started with her crying but I was relieved to see that she was smiling and laughing half way through. I had the talk with my mom that I have been dreading and it went better than I could have imagined. She brought it up by telling me about how my dad thinks that I will stay in Korea because I seem to be enjoying myself here. I asked her what she thought if I stayed for an extra year and would she be ok with it. She said that she would be fine as long as I am happy. I told her that I would get a month vacation if I renewed my contract and they would pay for my plane ticket home. With that, I might stay longer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You and your zippers!