Saturday, November 14, 2009

The First Snow Fall

Another year has passed and the change of colors in the leaves are more of a welcomed sight than the last. The one year anniversary of my arrival to this foreign country has come and gone without much fuss and the feeling of home has set in. With time, even the most difficult of situations do not seem like such a big deal.

Korea holds a beauty that I have often neglected to see. No one carries more fault than myself for this. So fixated on work, I do not take enough time to bask in the simple splendors that life offers. In retrospect, it is laughable how adamantly I deny being a workaholic. With the quick fall; the exquisite hues of red, yellow, and orange leaves paint the mountainside with splashes of fiery brilliance. The hike up Yongdusan granted a magnificent experience that I did not get to partake in last year.

The last few months started to ware on my patience; the students misbehavior, last minute changes, added workload and lack of respect began to drive me crazy. I will be the first to admit that I possess many flaws, but to own up to them shows one's true character. My expectations of others might not be healthy, but where do we draw the line on making excuses for others? After a long and drawn out ten months, I finally dropped one of my extra lessons. The mother of this student was not pleased and proceeded turn the blame onto me. It is astonishing how people can not take responsibility for their own actions or in this case understand that the circumstances are not conducive for individual growth. For one, to think that children will always be receptive to a lesson plan is absurd, their enthusiasm will always vary so take it with a grain of salt.

Now that my weekends are filled with hanging out, working out or traveling I have lost the urge to write about life. I should bring the travel log around with me so that I can write about how I feel in that precise moment.

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